Yesterday, in Part 1, I covered some of the impacts (none of them positive) of GE farming and Roundup (glyphosate) use on seeds and crops. Today, I am going to cover what I learned from third generation Iowa farmer Howard Vlieger about how they are affecting both animals and humans, in alarming ways.

Serious internal damage to GM-fed animals

GM-fed farm animals in the US are so damaged internally that the US must now buy natural sausage casings (made from pig intestines) from other countries. Impaired intestines cannot be used for sausage production because they rupture.

If genetically modified food damages livestock intestines, what does it to humans? Could it be tied to the huge and increasing numbers of children and adults with digestive diseases in the US? The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse of the Department of Health and Human Services reports that 60 to 70 million people are affected.

Liver from GM-fed cattle must be condemned

The majority of liver from GM-fed cattle is unfit for human consumption due to the build-up of toxins in the liver, and consequently, the livers are condemned (i.e. declared unfit for human consumption) at the processing facility.

This is very unfortunate because beef liver is a rich source of vitamin and mineral nutrition. People in many cultures have eaten it for thousands of years, but it is now scarce in the US. The condemning of beef liver from GM-fed cattle should raise dire warning flags to those in government agencies entrusted with the health and safety of our food supply, but that is not happening. (Note: in some cases, liver from young cattle [veal] may be consumed due to the shorter duration of GM-grain consumption.)

The Institute of Responsible Technology reports GMOs are linked to organ disruption in 19 studies.

Disturbing findings from pig study

GM-fed-pig-stomach-pixHoward showed us pictures from his pig study. The stomachs of the GM-fed pigs were 2.6 times more likely to have severe inflammation than the stomachs of the non-GM-fed pigs.

The visual difference between the stomachs of the two pig groups is striking.

Howard also noticed that the behavior of GM-fed pigs was different than its non-GM-fed counterparts. The GM-fed pigs had difficulty navigating a simple maze that was set up in order to weigh them each day during the study.

It is important to question and consider how meat from these same animals, and from foods containing GMOs and glyphosate, might affect the stomachs and GI tracts of humans (especially our youngest and most vulnerable).

GM feed reduces fertility, increases defects

GM-fed animals have significantly reduced fertility and a markedly higher rate of offspring born with birth defects. Howard noticed this as early as 1998 from family livestock farmers with whom he worked. A Danish farmer has documented a significant connection in birth defects in the pigs born to his sows that were fed feed with glyphosate residue present. Additionally, Dr. Andres Carrasco documented consistent birth defects in frog and chicken embryos when glyphosate residues of 2.03 ppm were present.

In the pig study coordinated by Howard, researchers documented that the uteri of the GM-fed female pigs were abnormally heavy, weighing 25% more than those of the non-GM-fed female pigs. This finding might be related to the conception problems that the family livestock farmers were experiencing. Further study and regulatory inquiry are warranted.

GM sugarcane workers dying of kidney disease

A mysterious form of kidney disease is killing tens of thousands of young men across Central America (known there as the “malady of the sugarcane”) and in other parts of the world. In Guatemala, one in four sugarcane field workers has died from renal failure annually since Roundup was implemented as a desiccant (ripening agent) on the sugarcane crop.

Governments are cracking down on the use of toxic pesticides which they believe is tied to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). In 2013, El Savador’s Legislative Assembly banned 53 agrochemicals, including Monsanto’s glyphosate and Dow’s 2-4,D.

Although Monsanto insists Roundup is safe, studies are finding glyphosate residues in our food. Despite this, the EPA recently raised permitted tolerance levels. New research raises grave concerns that this contamination enhances the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.

The US is the largest producer of GM crops in the world.

Prolific, grotesque tumors in GM-fed rats

Seralini-ratsIn 2012, French researcher Gilles-Eric Seralini published his peer-reviewed findings in the science journal Food & Chemical Toxicity, entitled Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize.

He found that rats fed Monsanto’s GMO maize and Roundup for two years suffered terrible health effects and died earlier than the control rats on a different diet.

This paper was recently retracted. To-date, no valid reason has been given for its retraction. It appears that industry pressure compelled the editor of the journal in which it was published to retract it.

Organic livestock almost always vaccinated

Organic meat can be (and most often is) sourced from vaccinated livestock.

Presently, consumers are mostly concerned with whether or not the animal products they will consume come from animals that have been treated with antibiotics and/or hormones. It is time to add vaccines to that list of exposures about which to be concerned.

Louise Habakus and I researched this during a recent phone conversation. While it was not covered in Howard’s presentation, I asked him about it and he said it is an area he has not yet investigated.

All vaccines contain a long list of surprising and worrisome ingredients, many of which are toxic by design. I could not find one ingredient that I would want to eat.

Here’s the material safety data sheet for Boehringer Ingelheim’s Pyramid 5 veterinary vaccine, which is “indicated for vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine viral diarrhea types I and II, bovine parainfluenza-3, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus.”

We were shocked that these animal virus ingredients could be ending up in our food supply, not to mention an undisclosed adjuvant listed as “proprietary”. Another cattle vaccine lists 3 antibiotics in it, penicillin, streptomycin, and gentamicin, yet we are told that organic meat is antibiotic-free. Further research shows that thimerosal and aluminum, heavy metals known to be neurotoxic to humans, are used in many animal vaccines. As if the disclosed ingredients are not concerning enough, a great many ingredients in livestock vaccines are listed as “proprietary” and cannot be researched. Some may be derived from GMO sources or are otherwise known to damage the human immune, neurological, or digestive systems.

Start asking questions of your local butcher. It is possible to find farmers who don’t vaccinate their livestock, but it requires time and effort. I know many families who drive a distance to purchase their meat or order online.


With assistance from Howard Vlieger, I am grateful to be armed with this knowledge so I can make proactive decisions about the food I serve my family. Collectively, we can create change by refusing to buy food from farmers who grow GE crops and use GM feed and glyphosate, and by supporting political candidates who will help return our food supply to a safer state through GMO labeling and holding government agencies accountable.

Additional resources

Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating by Jeffrey Smith

The Seeds of Destruction by William Engdahl

America’s Two-Headed Pig by Leah Dunham

Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? by Colborn, Dumanoski, and Meyers

Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives (DVD)

Second in a series of two articles (Part 1).

Laura-Howard-cropLaura Hayes is a homemaker and parent advocate in Northern California. She and her husband have three young adult children. Their middle child is permanently disabled following catastrophic brain damage from routine childhood vaccinations. To protect her family, Laura extensively researches the key drivers of health and healing. She enjoys sharing information about food, toxins, and vaccines through e-mail communication, and community events featuring guest speakers and movie screenings. Laura holds a BA in Human Biology from Stanford University and has been actively involved with Families for Early Autism Treatment since 1996.

Laura is pictured here with Howard Vlieger, during his presentation in Roseville, CA in January 2014.