What is Transhumanism? — Episode 105

  #105 — What is Transhumanism? ** August 23, 2017 Guest // Zoltan Istvan ** Host // Pratik Chougule, JD Look around and you’ll see humanity not just engaged with technology but integrated in ways that are unexpected, sophisticated, fascinating, and for many of us, fundamentally alarming. There’s a nostalgia for the simplicity of the pre-internet past… for […]...

August 16, 2017 8:12PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Pratik Chougule, JD

The Politics of Wellness The Politics of Wellness explores the role that government, markets, and society play in our decisions about health and parenting. Pratik Chougule, JD is a vice president at a Washington DC-based public affairs firm. He was previously executive editor at The American Conservative magazine and managing editor atThe National Interest. He served […]...

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Archived Shows

iTUNES and PODBEAN   #106 — The Pathological Optimist September 27, 2017 Guests // Miranda Bailey, Andrew Wakefield, MB.BS Host // Louise Kuo Habakus There’s a new feature documentary in town called The Pathological Optimist. It’s about Dr. Andrew Wakefield. You know, the British gastroenterologist who’s credited/blamed with linking vaccines and autism to millions of parents […]...

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