The Mitochondrial Link — Episode 81

#81 — The Mitochondrial Link  ** September 2, 2015 Guest // Chris D. Meletis, ND ** Host // Lisa Bloomquist The mitochondria have important things to do, including production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP—the universal energy molecule), cellular apoptosis, calcium homeostasis, and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mitochondria are the engines of our cells, and so […]...

September 2, 2015 2:56AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Homotoxicology for Chronic Illness — Episode 71

#71 – Homotoxicology for Chronic Illness ** May 13, 2015 Guest // Mary Coyle, DIHom **  Host // Louise Kuo Habakus Homotoxicology is a long name for a simple therapeutic model designed to safely remove damaging toxins stored in our organs and body fats.  Based upon the principles of homeopathy “Let like cure like,” Homotoxicology functions on both extracellular and […]...

March 4, 2015 8:59PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Vaccines During Pregnancy: Making An Informed Decision – Episode 53

Episode #53 ** December 3, 2014 Guest // Suzanne Humphries, MD ** Host // Kelly Brogan, MD The CDC website has information on Vaccines for Pregnant Women and Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women. Here, pregnant women and clinicians are told: Vaccines can keep mama and “her growing family” healthy. Specific vaccines that are needed are based on […]...

November 30, 2014 8:46AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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The Stink About Breast Cancer and Deodorant

If you are using a deodorant or antiperspirant, you have a good reason to ask if it can cause breast cancer. Anything unnatural that you do to your body is a potential cause of disease. Applying chemicals to the armpits, which are next to the breasts, should be suspect. Whenever you have any health issue, […]...

July 20, 2014 10:20PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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