Louise Kuo
In order to get this out ASAP with photos, I’m sharing my Facebook post and the Fearless Parent post, both from tonight. My heart is so full, it’s exploding. We must be back to work right away but tonight, I am proud, proud, proud. Jersey Strong is no joke. Photo credit: Ann Rosen With tremendous […]...
Louise Kuo
Dear Senator Romney, My name is Louise Kuo Habakus. I was a Bain Consultant in the San Francisco office from 1986-1989, shortly after you co-founded Bain Capital. I worked closely with Meg Whitman who asked me to follow her to Disney. Alas, I went to Prudential instead, where I ran their annuity business and built […]...
Louise Kuo
Happy new year! On January 13, 2018, the Fearless Parent community gathered in Red Bank, New Jersey for a celebration of our medical and parental rights with guest of honor, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. People streamed in from all over the Garden State to my neighborhood restaurant, JJ’s Organic Grill, for a cocktail reception, a documentary […]...
Louise Kuo
Editor’s note: As a project of a 501(c)3 non-profit, Fearless Parent does not endorse or oppose candidates. We can, however, provide you with a lot of information. Time to wake up, parents. This is the third post in a companion series as reading background for The Truth About Vaccines documentary. The entirety of this post is copyright protected. […]...
Louise Kuo
In my last post, How the “Anti-Vaccine” Movement Threatens Us All, I discuss the vaccine debate as high drama, by design. Parents are playing into a polarized narrative that’s a lose-lose proposition for us and a home run for special interests. We may think it’s about vaccines. It’s really about parental rights and the role […]...
December 17, 2019 2:19AM FACEBOOK / TWEET / EMAIL
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