Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?

I know people will be immediately furious with the title — do vaccines cause cancer? Absolutely irresponsible! What’s wrong with you? This is why your movement will never get anywhere! You think everything bad is caused by vaccines! Be mad, if you must, but keep reading. Progress never happens by silencing contrarian voices. This post […]...

April 10, 2016 2:57PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Vaccines During Pregnancy: Making An Informed Decision – Episode 53

Episode #53 ** December 3, 2014 Guest // Suzanne Humphries, MD ** Host // Kelly Brogan, MD The CDC website has information on Vaccines for Pregnant Women and Guidelines for Vaccinating Pregnant Women. Here, pregnant women and clinicians are told: Vaccines can keep mama and “her growing family” healthy. Specific vaccines that are needed are based on […]...

November 30, 2014 8:46AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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