May 21, 2014 — Brian Thornburg, MD

with Kelly Brogan. MD

Meet Dr. Brian Thornburg who runs the nation’s second concierge pediatrics  practice. He is pioneering a new way to return to an old-fashioned approach… caring for the whole child within the context of his whole family.

How does his appraoch differ from pediatrics today, characterized by:

  • Crowded waiting rooms
  • Sneezing, snotting kids
  • 7-10 minute visits
  • prescriptions
  • and shots.

Join us as we explore some hot topics including:

  • What’s wrong with pediatrics today?
  • Why are kids sick in the way that they are? Both chronically and acutely?
  • How is your practice model different?
  • What are well visits really for? Who do they benefit?
  • Decision-making around vaccination has been demonstrated to be most heavily influenced by provider-education. How do you approach this in your practice?

brian-thornburg>Brian Thornburg, MD is a board-certified pediatrician who trained at the Medical College of Georgia Children’s Medical Center and at Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He has a strong interest in child development, patient education, the mind-body-spirit connection, healthy living, and personalizing the medical system to meet the needs of each family. He practices with his wife, Helen Thornburg, MD, an emergency medicine physician. They have eight children ranging, in birth dates from 2002 to 2013.. The family lives on a small farm in Naples and raises cows, goats, chickens, guinea hens, and peacocks. They promote self-sustainability and grow a wide variety of organic fruits, vegetables and herbs.

kelly-cropKelly Brogan, MD is Medical Director of Fearless Parent and mom of two. She is board certified in Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Integrative and Holistic Medicine. Holistic living, environmental medicine, and nutrition are the bedrock of her functional medicine practice. She serves as medical advisor to GreenMedInfo, Pathways to Family Wellness, and Fisher Wallace. Kelly holds degrees from MIT and Cornell Medical School.