#66 – Ladies, Your Monthly Health Report Card ** April 8, 2015
Guest // Lara Briden, ND ** Host // Chandler Marrs, PhD
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What’s happening with your period? Does it come every month? Does it come at all? Is it heavy or painful or difficult in some way? Maybe you’ve just come off the pill, or are thinking about coming off the pill.
No matter your age or your situation, it’s time to get to know your period because it’s trying to tell you something about your underlying health. Every month, your period gives a faithful account of what is happening with you and your health. Do you wonder what it means when you have:
- Irregular periods
- Period pain
- Acne
That information is incredibly valuable; how better to know what you need to do and what you need to change? Lara Briden, ND will talk us through different period symptoms and what they mean. She’ll also provide treatment ideas.
Lara Briden is a Naturopathic Doctor who practices in Sydney, Australia. She graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1997 and has been working in women’s health ever since. Lara’s e-book, Period Repair Manual, is available on Amazon. She also blogs at Lara Briden’s Healthy Hormone Blog.
Chandler Marrs, PhD, is proud mom of 20 year-old twins, a research scientist, an entrepreneur, a lifelong jock, and a fierce women’s health advocate. She has spent the last 15 years in women’s health research, first in perinatal mental health and hormones, and more recently in medication-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. Dissatisfied with the state of health and hormone research, she created Hormones MatterTM, an online journal featuring research reviews, commentary, and patient stories across a range of health topics. Concerned with the lack of medication testing in women and children, she conducts online, direct-to-patient, real world medication safety and efficacy studies through her company, Lucine Health Sciences. Her most recent endeavor is the online social health site, Heal with FriendsTM, focused on finding healing solutions for complex and chronic diseases and medication and vaccine reactions.
Just found your site via the documentary BOUGHT! Signed up for GMO Free CT, Moms Against America and Fearless Parent. I have 3 children. Both my daughters have hormone imbalance causing irregular periods. Just recently have I made the connections and begun to delve into the cause of their condition. My eldest (23) will not have a menses without birth control. Her ovaries are the size of a 3 year old! My youngest child, was bleeding so heavily, she was anemic and insulin resistant. Again, birth control has been the only form of treatment. I am looking for a medical doctor willing to help my elder daughter determine the cause of her imbalance and a solution. Low and behold, I find this article front and center as soon as I find your site!! Please, any help or referral would be so appreciated!