Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children
There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides – only people concerned about the well being of our children.— Dr. Bernadine Healy, MD, former director, National Institute of Health (NIH) and former health editor, US News & World Report
Amazon bestseller — 479 reviews
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Feb 2011: #114 Amazon
Mar 2019: #258 Amazon
#1 Vaccinations #1 Human Rights
#1 Epidemiology #1 Public Health
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Table of Contents
Paperback: 496 pages
2nd edition September 1, 2012
Hardcover: 398 pages
1st edition February 9, 2011
30 contributing authors
30 chapters, 888 citations
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Vaccine Epidemic has 30 chapters organized in three sections: 1) The case for vaccination choice, 2) Personal narratives of vaccine injury, and 3) Contemporary topics in debate.
This book could not be more relevant right now. State legislatures are on the move. Parents in New York and Maine just lost the right to decline mandatory vaccines in spring 2019, and California in 2015, joining West Virginia and Mississippi. Eight states chose not to advance similar bills this session. Many more are expected to vote on vaccine legislation in the upcoming months.
So, where to start? At the beginning, with the short introduction. Then peek at the table of contents and find your own entry point — as with medicine and so much else, it’s not the same for everyone.
Doctors and scientists may head straight for chapter 7. Believe in God? Chapter 6 explains why the 83% of Americans who do should care an awful lot about vanishing religious exemptions. Moms tend to like the stories and chapter 27, which offers a summary of nine different advice books by physicians that span the gamut from get all to get none and also discusses exemptions. Dads often start with the business of vaccines in chapter 18, written by a Wall Street father who lost his firstborn to a 2nd hep B shot at 5 months of age. Chapters 13 is about the newborn hepatitis B vaccine and chapters 14 and 19 are about Gardasil. There’s a lot more.
The idea of the book was born out of a pretty incredible event that took place in May 2010. A group of smart, passionate parents and professionals joined me on a stage in Chicago’s Grant Park for an affirmation of our rights. As I collected the speakers’ remarks, it became clear that a simple booklet could be so much more. In five months’ time, Vaccine Epidemic was born.
Featuring 30 experts from the fields of ethics, law, science, medicine, business, and history, Vaccine Epidemic urgently calls for reform. It is the essential handbook for the vaccination choice movement and required reading for all people contemplating vaccination for themselves and their children.
Nearly all Americans receive vaccines. The federal government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends over 70 doses of sixteen different vaccines between birth and age eighteen, and all fifty states mandate between 30 and 45 doses of vaccines for admission to day care and school.
Public health officials state that vaccines are safe and effective, but the truth is far more complicated. Vaccination is a serious medical intervention that always carries the potential to injure and cause death as well as to prevent disease. Coercive vaccination policies deprive people of free and informed consent—the hallmark of ethical medicine. National polls show that Americans are increasingly concerned about vaccine safety and the right to make individual, informed choices together with their healthcare practitioners. Vaccine Epidemic focuses on the searing debate surrounding individual and parental vaccination choice in the United States.
Habakus edits and introduces a diverse array of interrelated topics concerning the explosive vaccine controversy, including the ethics of vaccination mandates, corrupting conflicts of interest in the national vaccine program, and personal narratives of parents, children, and soldiers who have suffered vaccine injury.
Newly updated with additional chapters focusing on institutional scientific misconduct, mandates for healthcare workers, concerns about HPV vaccine development, and the story behind the Supreme Court’s recent vaccine decision, Vaccine Epidemic remains the essential handbook for the vaccination choice movement and required reading for all people contemplating vaccination for themselves and their children.
Praise for Vaccine Epidemic
In a book bursting with intelligence, Louise Habakus and contributing authors reframe the entire vaccine debate turning the conversation away from the tired clichés of the past and opening bright new avenues of ideas and thought that delve deep below the surface of pro-this or anti-that. Ever purposeful and in some ways masterful, by reframing the debate, the authors get to the heart of the matter that aims for your head and hits your heart.
— Ed & Teri Arranga,
Vaccine Epidemic is the latest book on vaccine damaged Americans crying out for help. Authored by eminent lawyers, health care professionals, philosophers, medical science historians, human rights advocates, vaccine affected patients and their closest relatives, it portrays a grim picture of modern medicine and the justice system. It may as well be a cry to God for delivering their fate to corporate greed in complicity with their own government. Not surprisingly, the cry is not without proof. For instance, the most compelling argument against the uselessness of measles vaccine is made from a notoriously high death rate of this disease at nearly four percent in 1900 to virtually zero by 1948, fifteen years before measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. A similar observation applied to the not so deadly infectious diseases including scarlet fever, typhoid, whooping cough and diphtheria. The death rate due to Rubella, Mumps and Chicken Pox was so minute that it did not even make to the epidemiological list. Why then, is the ongoing push for more and more vaccines and boosters especially since their application is increasingly being associated with a concomitant increase in childhood illnesses, including autism, diabetes and various other autoimmune conditions? It is a legitimate question. It is one that should be answered by politicians of all stripes, the medical profession and the justice system to serve the public interest. A must read book.— Shiv Chopra, PhD, Author of Corrupt to the Core: Memoirs of Health Canada Whistleblower
Habakus and Holland give voice to the often muted side of the vaccine debate. This brilliant and alarming compilation of research and personal stories calls into question the sanctity of our public health agenda; and demands we exercise our intrinsic rights as citizens to continually challenge the science and meaning behind the words – public safety.
— Mary Coyle, D.I. Hom
Vaccine Epidemic is a manifesto of our movement and essential work on human freedoms as we march into this strange future where government and industry have become one and the same.
— Lou Conte, parent of vaccine-injured triplets
Vaccine Epidemic
will be hailed as one of the most significant contributions to the swelling vaccine awareness movement. Dissent over compulsory vaccination is as old as the practice itself and the root of opposition has been based, historically, on the violations of human and civil rights which began well before the genocides of WWII. This compilation of narratives, inquiries, and assessments is a must-read for every individual who regards their right to autonomy as paramount in any medical or public health decision.— Maureen Drummond, co-founder/co-director, New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice
Vaccine Epidemic
provides readers with an array of valid well researched perspectives on the vaccine safety and personal choice issue. Whether you are a parent who is pondering making a vaccine decision, a parent of a child who has suffered a vaccine injury or an injured adult, this book provides factual first person accounts from doctors, lawyers, parents scientists, victims, activists and both civilian and enlisted personnel who have experienced serious adverse effects from vaccines. Vaccine Epidemic emphasizes how important it is to seek, preserve and defend our personal rights when it comes to making individual choices about vaccines.— Claire Dwoskin, philanthropist and children’s health activist
Vaccine Epidemic
is an essential and critical read that details the complex topic of vaccine injury and personal health rights. Comprised of original essays written by many different authors; the book takes the complicated legal, medical, and scientific issues surrounding this matter and dissects them into easily digestible bite-sized morsels of knowledge. Vaccine Epidemic
is a powerful new weapon in the information war that currently surrounds vaccination policy.— Rebecca Estepp, Talk About Curing Autism Chapter Coordinator, San Diego
Vaccine Epidemic
is a timely reminder that the same way Wall Street conspires with the government for its own benefit at the expense of the working and middle classes, the healthcare industry conspires with the government for the sake of its profits.— Marc Faber, Ph.D., Barron’s Magazine Roundtable member, international investment strategist, author of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report
While the corruption of vaccine promoters has been extensively documented by the recent H1N1 story, citizens are more and more threatened by regulatory decisions biased toward compulsory immunization. This book makes an inventory of the historical, legal, ethical and scientific arguments pleading against such a perverse tendency. The next stage will be to show that compared with usual drugs (whose iatrogenic potential is now unanimously recognized), vaccines are “pharmacological monsters”, especially regarding their alleged duration of action: as such, they require far more stringent regulations, to say nothing about Hippocratic prudence…
— Marc Girard, MSc, MD, consultant for the pharmaceutical industry
Based on my experience with vaccination programs in the military, I strongly believe that we must address the conflicts of interest which currently exist in our national vaccine program. To set aside our values is to lose our way, as a nation and a superpower. Vaccine Epidemic
connects the dots and explains how this is happening.— Colonel Felix M. Grieder, USAF (Ret.), former wing commander, Dover Air Force Base, Delaware
There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety. We need studies on vaccinated populations based on various schedules and doses as well as individual patient susceptibilities that we are continuing to learn about. No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge. Vaccine policy should be the subject of frank and open debate, with no tolerance for bullying. There are no sides—only people concerned for the well-being of our children.
— Bernadine Healy, M.D., former director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and health editor, U.S. News & World Report
Not since Evidence of Harm
have I been so incensed when reading a book after learning, yet again, of more times our government has turned its head to the devastating collateral damage happening every day to our nation’s children from vaccines. Yet at the end of this account, instead of resentment, I felt empowerment to do something constructive to enable parents to become informed about whether ‘the greater good’ is worth the sacrifice of their child. The common thread that links all of the personal and historical reports is the same: for our children to have any worth in society, parents must have a choice. I highly recommend Vaccine Epidemic
for all parents to use as the ‘go to’ handbook on this important, yet controversial, issue.— Jennifer Keefe, Esq, co-founder, Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy
As the majority of our health officials, medical doctors and scientists march blindly giving accolades to the aggressive US vaccine protocol, a growing group of citizens are brave enough to expose the hidden dirty secrets of vaccination. Vaccine Epidemic
is a must read for parents, concerned citizens globally and medical doctors, government officials and scientists who dare to open their minds and venture out of the box.— Claudine Liss, Esq, screenwriter and activist
Vaccine Epidemic
provides a valuable addition to the vaccination choice literature with sober, considered, and scholarly articles. Every parent who questions the ethical, legal, and health implications of compulsory vaccination should read this enlightening book to understand the real issues behind the vaccine debate.— Randall Neustaedter OMD, author, The Vaccine Guide: Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults
I never realized the depth of the violation of my civil rights until reading the Vaccine Epidemic.
This book gives me and many the voice and validation that something is terribly wrong with our vaccine program and the industry behind it. I have tremendous gratitude for the brave contributors for sharing their stories and empowering us to be informed about what choices we have for our own bodies.— Lisa Rudley, parent advocate and NAA NY Metro Chapter Board Member
Readers will learn how vaccination resembles dogmatic religion rather than fact based science and how Americans are paying the price in declining health from childhood through the “golden” years.
— Kim Stagliano, author of It’s All I Can Handle I’m No Mother Theresa
As a minister, advocate, and mother of a vaccine-injured child, I echo the startling questions which Habakus and Holland poignantly raise in this groundbreaking examination. A vaccine program that inflicts avoidable injury and death in its pursuit to safeguard the ‘Public Health’ has gone tragically awry. The question is whether we as a society will continue to walk away from the damage . . . and the damaged . . .
— Reverend Lisa Sykes, United Methodist minister and author of Sacred Spark
Habakus and Holland have collected some of the subject’s best experts. This critical book should be read by every government official worldwide. As the mother of a vaccine damaged child, I read the personal narratives with great sadness. They represent so many whose stories have not been told. If you don’t think vaccines can harm, read this book and make up your own mind.
— Polly Tommey, Editor-in-Chief, Autism File Global
As a member of Congress, I pushed hard to create a safer childhood vaccine program. This book raises some of the important issues that need to be discussed. This is an important topic and the book should play an important role.
— Dave Weldon, M.D., practicing physician and former U.S. Congressman, 1995–2009
Vaccine Epidemic
exposes the bitter truth about vaccination mandates. Free and informed consent is not only a human right, but also an indispensable market mechanism which ensures that a high demand exists only for superior, necessary, and well-priced products. Vaccines are mandated precisely because they meet none of these criteria.— Marguerite Willner, former vice chair, Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines
This is a brilliant book! Louise Kuo Habakus and Mary Holland are the Woodward and Bernstein of the autism epidemic. Buy it for the “there is no science” people in your life. The science is there – in spades. Habakus and Holland meticulously dissect every element of this debate.The evidence they have uncovered is astounding and deeply disturbing.
— Katie Wright, writer and board member, National Autism Association
The most ardent supporter of vaccination programs only needs to witness or be touched by one serious vaccine reaction to fully understand and respect the wishes of those who support freedom of choice relative to routine pediatric vaccinations.
— F. Edward Yazbak, MD, board-certified pediatrician
Author quotes
Ch 3: A Human Rights Assessment
The U.S. government’s mandatory vaccination policies do not appear to comply with international human rights standards. The government has limited the exercise and enjoyment of specific rights—including children’s right to obtain a free, public education—based on vaccination status.
Ch 27: What Should Parents Do?
We have gathered and summarized the views of nine board-certified pediatricians and other licensed professionals authorized to give medical advice. These views concur with and differ from the government’s recommendations. Many of these professionals support vaccination choice and raise important questions and concerns about CDC-recommended vaccination protocols.
Ch 22: Flu Vaccine Mandates for US Health Care Workers: Policy Without Reason
Considering the cost and effort to vaccinate millions of HCWs in this country, one would assume that extensive research supports such a broad mandate. Yet the federal government has failed to identify unbiased, reliable studies supporting its recommendations, instead relying on studies conducted or funded by the pharmaceutical industry itself.
Ch 18: The Vaccine Bubble and the Pharmaceutical Industry
We filed a request for two pieces of information. We wanted all the safety data the CDC had in its possession prior to recommending the hepatitis B vaccine for new babies at birth. Moreover, we wanted the statistical model they used to prove safety and justify this policy decision. To my surprise, the CDC refused to respond to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. We made our request more than 10 years ago and we are still waiting for this information today.
Ch 11: Justice Disserved: The Hannah Bruesewitz Odyssey
The Supreme Court ruled 6-2 in favor of federal preemption, making it impossible in the future to claim in a civil court before a jury that a vaccine’s design was dangerously defective.
Ch 26; A Holistic Health Perspective
Good health is not always due to good luck: a great deal of the time, it is the result of our choices.
Ch 13: Pediatrics: Sick is the New Healthy
What if it were true that the way we now vaccinate our children causes more death, chronic disease, and disability than it prevents in America?
COLONEL FELIX GRIEDER, USAF (Ret), former wing commander, Dover AFB
Ch 16: Who Will Defend the Defenders?
Based on my experience with vaccination programs in the military, I strongly believe that we must address the conflicts of interest which currently exist in our national vaccine program. To set aside our values is to lose our way, as a nation and a superpower. Vaccine Epidemic connects the dots and explains how this is happening.
Ch 21: Mercury Toxicity and Vaccine Injury
I, and other involved researchers, would gladly debate these issues in public with CDC and other experts—if they had the courage to show up. They don’t.
Ch 15: A Mother-Son Story
Even as a nurse, my training did not educate me to question the safety of vaccinations, so I didn’t feel I had enough information on the risk factors for my son.
Ch 1: Vaccination Choice is a Fundamental Human Right
Since Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905, the world has embraced human rights in many forms—women’s suffrage, the Nuremberg Code, free and informed consent, medical autonomy, the human rights revolution, and public health revolutions in sanitation, hygiene, and antibiotics. A thorough reconsideration of compulsory vaccination mandates is long overdue, based on the language of the Jacobson decision, which calls on courts to end vaccination mandates that are oppressive and unreasonable.
Ch 28: Who is Dr. Andrew Wakefield?
The Center for Personal Rights is confident that the world will look back at the prosecution of Drs. Wakefield, Walker-Smith, and Murch with shame and remorse. Dr. Wakefield has joined in a long, honorable tradition of dissidents in science and human rights.
Ch 8: A Long American Tradition
And that tradition shows that dissidents are often the wise ones, using their activism to force our scientific and political leaders to recognize their blind spots, as well as their need for humility when it comes to doing the will of the people.
Ch 5: The Right to Legal Redress
In principle, there was Congressional and public consensus that caring for vaccine-injured children was the right thing to do. The reality has not lived up to the principle.
The Exoneration of Professor Walker-Smith
It appears that every nation has been set on a course to inject every human on the planet with increasingly complex mixtures of chemical and biological agents beginning at birth. The science supporting this bold experiment, however, is subject to government and industry manipulation on a scale that few other areas of science have ever experienced. This, combined with silencing reputable scientists who question vaccine safety, is a prescription for turning the hope science offers for future generations into a global disaster.
Ch 19: A License to Kill?
How is disinterested vaccine safety governance even remotely possible when HHS employees stand as heroes at the head of the parade when a new vaccine is invented within its walls, while agency leaders are leading the cheering section, approving the new product’s launch, making the market for the product with its policy recommendations,and then turning around to cash multi-million dollar checks?
Ch 14: My Daughter is “One Less”
I deeply regret my decision to allow Zeda to get this shot. She has lost all quality of life. I would do anything to get her better, but no one has any answers for me. The doctors still don’t believe it was the vaccine.
Ch 23: Forced Child Removal
You have a religious exemption from vaccination for your child at school. You get a call from Child Protective Services. The caseworker says she wants to meet with you to discuss whether your child is the subject of “medical neglect.” Do you know your rights?
Ch 16: Who Will Defend the Defenders?
Unfortunately, these brave defenders of our freedom are defenseless against the mandatory use of dangerous vaccines, such as the anthrax vaccine.
Ch 9: Medical Ethics and Contemporary Medicine
A public policy that puts the well-being of a child at risk—for the good of others, or, more likely, for commercial reasons—violates fundamental moral principles and devalues the child as a human being.
Ch 17: “Get Your Affairs in Order”
A nurse told me to call my family. It is very difficult to tell your children good-bye forever. It was the most heartbreaking moment of my life.
Ch 2: The International Human Rights Standard
International human rights norms to bodily integrity and free and informed consent today protect the individual right to make informed choices about vaccination and all medical interventions.
CAROL STOTT, PhD, MSc (Epidemiology), CSci, CPsychol
Ch 7: An Urgent Call for More Research
Science lies at the heart of the vaccine controversy, and there can be no substitute for it. The ethical practice of medicine requires full and informed consent. It is not possible to have the informed part of informed consent without the science. That vaccine safety science has been and remains inadequate is not in dispute.
Ch 10: “The Greater Good”
Since the childhood vaccine schedule has not been tested as administered, we cannot know its benefits, and therefore if its utilitarian burden can be fulfilled. As it currently stands, utilitarianism cannot justify compulsory vaccination.
GAY TATE, PhD (Biochemistry), LSW, MLSP
Ch 12: Three Short Years
The biggest difference in environmental exposures that happened during those three short years was the increase in their vaccines . . .
Ch 20: The Role of Government and Media
Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, had just explained an association between vaccines and autism on national news. She then said there is no association between vaccines and autism. And [the media] did not challenge her on her conflicting statements. Instead, [it] helped to reinforce the government’s position that there is no link between vaccines and autism.
Ch 25: A Doctor’s View of Vaccines and the Public Health
We have exchanged temporary illnesses for pervasive lifelong diseases, disorders, dysfunctions, and disabilities. A chronic illness held in check by medication is not health. The well-being of children and a community must be gauged by more than high vaccination rates and low infection rates caused by a specific, short list of pathogens.
Ch 4: Due Process and the American Constitution
A country that requires all children to receive a product—no matter how beneficial—knowing that some children will die and others’ lives will be destroyed by the use of that product, risks losing all moral authority.
Ch 6: God, Government, and Parental Rights
The sacred and legal underpinnings of the unalienable right of American parents to direct the upbringing of their children are embedded in deeply rooted divine, natural, and common law traditions.
Ch 30: The Suppression of Science
When considering how to vaccinate your children, read, get educated, and demand fully informed consent and answers to your questions. When you are stonewalled or these answers are not to your satisfaction, trust your instinct. I say this as someone who has studied and engaged in the science and who has become aware of the limitations of our knowledge and understanding of vaccine safety issues. Maternal instinct, in contrast, has been a steady hand upon the tiller of evolution; we would not be here without it.
Ch 24: The Greatest Threat to Our Country
How about the children who die or are injured by vaccines? Aren’t their injuries or deaths worth preventing? If immunizations prevent that one death but do irreparable harm to thousands or more, is that okay? Of course not. It’s insane!
reverse chronological order
10/26/11: Andy Oudman with Pamela Killeen, 1290 News Talk CJBK Ontario
10/11/11: Mom Tells of Vaccine Reaction, Jerry Davich, Post-Tribune
9/22/11: Andy Oudman with Pamela Killeen, 1290 News Talk CJBK Ontario
5/1/11: Your Health, Your Choice with Dr. Bret Hartman, Cablevision 21
4/27/11: Television news story on vaccination, NJ 12 News 12
4/26/11: Jack, Tedd, and Allyson, WFLA News Talk Radio, Tampa, FL
4/26/11: Book Review: Vaccine Epidemic, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
4/14/11: Louise Habakus signs bestseller #114 on Amazon,
4/12/11: Gov. David Patterson, John Gambling Show, WORNY @9:10 am
4/12/11: Reforming New Jersey’s Vaccination Policy, Seton Hall Law Review
4/8/11: WTOP Washington DC @8:20 pm
4/8/11: The Frankie Boyer Lifestyle Show
4/7/11: Jessica and Joy, Hot Moms Club (satellite) @5:00 pm
4/4/11: Holistic Survival with Jason Hartman
3/31/11: Kate Delaney, America Tonight @11:15 pm
3/31/11: Sunyatta Amen, WPFW Washington DC @3:00 pm
3/31/11: Sue Zimmerman, Grandparenting Today WMKV, part 1
3/24/11: Sue Zimmerman, Grandparenting Today WMKV, part 2
3/24/11: Meeting with Congressman Frank Pallone, Long Branch, NJ
3/21/11: Pat Farnack, WCBS
3/18/11: Going Viral, Financial Times
3/17/11: Meeting with Assemblywoman Amy Handlin, Belford, NJ
3/17/11: Vaccine Epidemic? Daybreak USA @7:45 am
3/14/11: Freedom of Choice, Publisher’s Weekly Talks with Louise Kuo Habakus
3/12/11: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Ring of Fire Radio @3:00 pm
3/12/11: Health Canada Whistleblower Reviews Vaccine Epidemic, The Bovine
3/12/11: Vaccine Epidemic The Book, COTO Report
3/10/11: Vaccine Epidemic The Book, The Progressive Mind
3/10/11: Mainstream Media Backs Supreme Court, Age of Autism
3/9/11: Vaccine Epidemic? Wellsphere
3/7/11: Let Vaccine Study Settle Autism Dispute, Augusta Chronicle
3/4/11: The Robert Scott Bell Show
3/4/11: Vaccine Epidemic book a powerful weapon…, Natural News
3/3/11: The Press Conference About the Bruesewitz Decision,
3/1/11: Vaccine Epidemic’s New Book Flies from the Shelf
2/27/11: Mom Tells of Vaccine Reaction, Jerry Davich, Post-Tribune
2/26/11: Vaccine Safety Advocates Demand Apology from Bill Gates, Age of Autism
2/26/11: The No-Choice Choice, Vaccine Epidemic Book Review, Injecting Sense
2/25/11: Of Consuming Interest with Jim Turner, JD Progressive Radio Network
2/24/11: Television interview, WPIX Channel 11
2/21/11: Book review: Vaccine Epidemic, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
2/21/11: Book review: Vaccine Epidemic,
2/21/11: Book review: Vaccine Epidemic,
2/17/11: An alternative vaccination schedule, Dr. Donald Miller,
2/16/11: Book explores vaccine safety and choice, Rock River Times
2/16/11: Another perspective on the safety… of vaccination, Epoch Times
2/15/11: New book Vaccine Epidemic becomes bestseller,
2/14/11: Book review: Vaccine Epidemic, Prison Planet Forum
2/13/11: Vaccine Epidemic book advocates… freedom of choice,
2/12/11: Clear thinking about critical issues, Vaccine Epidemic,
2/12/11: Local to global news,
2/11/11: The Gary Null Show, Progressive Radio Network @12:30pm
2/11/11: Book launch: Vaccine Epidemic,
2/10/11: Why we need Vaccine Epidemic, Nutrition Care for Children
2/9/11: The most important book in the autism debate? Age of Autism
2/8/11: A Conversation of Hope with Teri Arranga, Voice America @12:00 pm
2/8/11: Alex Studer, @ 6:00 pm
2/4/11: Mike Adams, NaturalNews Radio
2/1/11: Vaccine Epidemic Book Review, Publisher’s Weekly
2/1/11: Vaccine Epidemic Press Release, Skyhorse Publishing
1/31/11: Susannah Baldwin, PhD, Parent Talk KWMR @8:00 pm
1/28/11: Vaccine Wars and the Launch of Vaccine Epidemic, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
1/26/11: Public Statement, Gov Christie Middletown Town Hall Meeting, photo
1/23/11: Terms and Conditions: Dialing Back the Rhetoric,
1/13/11: Moms Tells of Vaccine Reaction, Jerry Davich, Post-Tribune
1/12/11: FAQs on BMJ Wakefield Editorial and the launch of Vaccine Epidemic
Event Highlights
2/18/11: Vaccine Epidemic launch, NYU School of Law, montage photo1 photo2 video
2/24/11: Gates/Microsoft press conference NYC, photo1 photo2 photo3 photo4 remarks
3/3/11: Supreme Court conference, montage photo1 photo2 photo3 photo4 photo5 video
11/2018: Featured in “The Boulder Experience,” Museum of Boulder, Colorado
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The book and DVD are $19.95 each. Media mail shipping for up to 3 items is $5 in the US. Yes, there’s a DVD, too. It contains over two hours of footage from an incredible rally at Chicago’s Grant Park in May 2010. You can “meet” most of the contributing authors and hear the passion they share for this topic first-hand. Watch the promo here.
Another solution is to check your local library. If you cannot find it there, ask if you can make a purchase suggestion or an Inter-Library Loan.
No matter where you’re starting out, Vaccine Epidemic will keep you pointed true north, with trusted information and resources to support your vaccine education journey. Consider copies for loved ones, baby shower gifts, and your family’s physicians. It also makes a great book club selection.