Carly A. Krakow
On July 28th, 2010, for the first time in history the United Nations General Assembly clearly defined the human right to water in Resolution 64/292. The Resolution acknowledges “the importance of equitable access to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as an integral component of the realization of all human rights,” and calls on […]...
Louise Kuo
#55 – The CPS Card: Whose Kids Are They Anyhow? ** December 17, 2014 Guest // Robert J. Krakow, Esq ** Host // Louise Kuo Habakus So you think they’re your kids? Sure, you gave birth to them. You raise them, teach them your values, ferry them far and wide, and shower them with love […]...
Louise Kuo
An Open Letter to State Farm Mr. Edward B. Rust, Jr. CEO, State Farm Insurance One State Farm Plaza Bloomington, IL 61710 (309) 766-2311 Note: if you would like Ed to see this letter, please e-mail it to him. November 18, 2014 Dear Ed, On behalf of concerned parents across the country, I’m asking […]...
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