Saturday Night Fever

Summer may feel like a funny time to be talking about fevers but during the recent heat wave, my kids had colds with fevers. In the past I would have reached for the Tylenol hoping to bring that fever right down. When my daughter was little she would ask for “the purple medicine” when she […]...

August 5, 2013 6:41AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Pregnant and Pre-Polluted

I wasn’t always a clean living crusader… until I learned that we’re not giving our babies the best start. Many women start out pregnant and pre-polluted. Pregnancy has a way of turning on that just-tell-me-what-to-do-to-get-this-right-NOW switch. Five years ago, that switch was activated for me when a friend gave me Green Babies, Sage Moms when […]...

July 16, 2013 7:13AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Sunscreen and the Fear of Sunlight

Anyone else wondering about sunscreen and the fear of sunlight? I’m a fan of letting my kids get a little sun in the summer, an eyebrow-raising approach in this day and age. I realized the importance of sunshine on my children’s skin when testing revealed that my son’s Vitamin D levels plummeted after his regression […]...

June 26, 2013 5:25AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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What’s Going On Elsewhere? Are America’s Health Practices Really The Best?

I grew up believing America had the best medical system in the world. I didn’t just believe it. I knew it. We dominate in technology. We have the smartest scientists doing the most state-of-the-art research at the world’s top universities and think tanks. We are a global leader in providing humanitarian aid to impoverished nations. […]...

June 24, 2013 2:22PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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