Louise Kuo
Food, glorious food! We sure do love our protein, fats, and carbs. But did you know that the food we savor is basically useless to the body? Useless, that is, until we add a bit of biochemical alchemy. What are enzymes? Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts to bring about specific biological reactions. Digestive […]...
Louise Kuo
One year later, read Part 2: A Better Alternative to Health Insurance Since leaving our corporate jobs, my husband and I have spent an obscene amount of money on health insurance that never covers… anything. On the rare occasion that I go in-network, the appointment is usually a dud… punctuated by the scripts I won’t fill, […]...
Louise Kuo
#55 – The CPS Card: Whose Kids Are They Anyhow? ** December 17, 2014 Guest // Robert J. Krakow, Esq ** Host // Louise Kuo Habakus So you think they’re your kids? Sure, you gave birth to them. You raise them, teach them your values, ferry them far and wide, and shower them with love […]...
Louise Kuo
These are so delish! Thank you Jennifer Fugo of Gluten Free School for this nutrient dense, healthy addition to our Fall Paleo desserts. They were the perfect sweet note after our big Thanksgiving dinner. Try them and let us know what you think! (Flourless, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, grain-free, Paleo) Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: […]...
Louise Kuo
“Fear and gratitude cannot coexist.” Our biology strongly rewards positivity. Fear immobilizes. The neurochemistry of positive emotion is what’s required to roll up our sleeves and get on with the business of life, love, work, and play. To all our wonderful supporters, collaborators, activists, friends and family – we’re grateful for you and wishing you a […]...
January 4, 2015 10:48PM FACEBOOK / TWEET / EMAIL
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