Editor’s note: Don’t run away too quickly. I have 10 years of coffee enemas under my belt. This is one of the best detox interventions around — effective, low cost, and easy. It’s a cornerstone intervention for those in the know, including physicians with some of the most extraordinary patient outcomes (think stage 4 pancreatic cancer 25 years later). The Merck Manual [1] included it as a standard recommended procedure until 1972. All you need is a simple kit, organic enema coffee, a French press, and a bit of coconut oil to, ah, facilitate the way. Get the hang of it and you’ll be “in and out” in well under an hour. You just might flush your allergies, rashes, acne, joint pain, headaches, insomnia, and a zillion other health annoyances and more serious health conditions down the drain. Bust a gut but keep reading. I’ve interspersed my suggestions to keep things simple and offer another perspective. And if you still have questions, check out the comments. – Louise
** Updated to include experience-based tips for reducing mess, saving time, and holding the liquid longer.**
If you told me a year ago I’d be writing this article, I would have questioned your sanity.
You see, I’ve undergone a bit of a health metamorphosis in the last eighteen months. Despite battling chronic health issues my whole life, I ate and drank with reckless abandon throughout my young adult years.
And I scraped by. Medicated to get through the endless sinus infections, digestive problems, and brain fog. Until one fateful day after the birth of my son, the walls caved in.
I was losing hair in clumps, my joints screamed, my lips were white, and I could barely pick myself off the floor to tend to my darling bouncing boy. Something was very, very wrong.
After a battery of blood tests from my conventional doctor and her office calling to tell me “Everything’s normal. You’re fine!”, I decided to jump the Western medicine ship and look for answers in the functional universe.
It turns out, more than one thing was very wrong. You learn a lot about yourself after spending tens of thousands of dollars on functional lab testing, five integrative practitioners, and supplements not exclusive of pork pancreas and ox bile.
And, my salvation during that journey was writing about it on my teeny-tiny blog, MavericKitchen.
The problem is, when you’re struggling to get out of bed every day while caring for a baby, maintaining a household and a full-time corporate job, diversions like hobby blogging hit the back burner. It has been well over a year since I’ve voiced my journey online.
Then, the visionary goddess of Fearless Parent offered me the opportunity to unleash my voice upon the web once again. I had to make this count.
Now, I’ve written at least twenty blog posts in my head, waiting for just the right topic to put my reclusion into remission.
I could have written about how through that journey, I learned I suffered from cryptosporidiosis, hypothyroidism, activated Epstein-Barr and a tick-borne disease called Babesia. Or I could have written about my epic breastfeeding saga or my recipe for Pronto Paleo Pizza Packs. But, none felt right for a re-emergence.
No, for my triumphant return to the blogosphere, I chose to write about…
The coffee enema
That’s right. My return to the web is all about putting java where the sun don’t shine. I can explain.
You see, one of the naturopaths I worked with suggested that the most effective method of detoxification and parasite elimination was a mysterious procedure called the coffee enema.
And I thought, I’m sorry. What-what in the butt?
And I resisted. I was the biggest skeptic out there. But a short while ago, I started work with the partner of the too soon departed Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
What they showed me was that the coffee enema is a thousands-year old procedure that has endless applications for vibrant health. It was even listed in the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy [1] until 1972 as a standard treatment.
After reading multiple case reports of astounding health transformations [2], I opened my mind and heart to this treatment. And…I experienced no less than a miraculous trajectory in my daily well-being.
And just in case you question my coffee enema commitment, here is the birthday card I received from my hilarious ex-husband this year:
Now if you’re here, you may already be aware of the vast benefits of regular coffee enemas. But in case you need a refresher, here are just some of the documented benefits:
- increased energy and alertness
- stimulation and detoxification of congested bile ducts to support the all-important liver
- parasite and yeast elimination
- removal of gallbladder sludge and stones
Many more are listed in this article by Dr. Linda Isaacs [3] (Dr. Gonzalez’s partner), and this one by Dr. Lawrence Wilson [4].
Although I was hesitant at first, there is no question in my mind the recent resurgence in my health is in large part due to coffee enemas. However, if you’ve done them yourself, you might agree that they can be… logistically challenging.
From coffee floods in your bathroom to exploding mason jars, there are any number of exasperating entertaining events that can transpire during this process. It epitomizes Murphy’s Law. I know because, I’ve literally experienced all of them.
As an analyst by trade, it’s in my DNA to test and refine any process and I examine all variables in the system. With a sample size of over 150 enemas under my belt, I’ve tested every crack and crevice of this process. My scientific conclusion is there is a vortex of gravity and mishap that surrounds me at all times. But that doesn’t have to hinder you.
So now Fearless Parent readers, I offer you my entire coffee enema troubleshooting blueprint, soup to Chock Full o’Nuts.
WARNING: If you haven’t noticed already, this post is loaded with java jests and poopy puns. Proceed with caution.
During my experimentation, I identified six variables that affect the efficacy and sanity of the procedure. I have vetted these variables with Dr. Brogan, who kindly agreed to fact check this article and keep me honest.
The six variables are:
How much liquid you’re inserting. The standard volume of each dose is 1 pint (500 ml), with two doses recommended per procedure.
The ratio of coffee to water used during brewing. Standard concentration is 2 tablespoons per quart (1000 ml) of water.
The caffeine strength of the coffee used.
How long you hold each dose of coffee
The temp of the coffee
Bucket height
This determines the speed with which the coffee enters your colon with 16 inches above your hiney as the standard.
Any of these variables may be adjusted in order to achieve an effective procedure for you. Before I suggest any modifications, I will first give you exact standard preparation instructions as a starting point.
Ingredients and equipment
Essential Equipment:
- Organic enema coffee — light roast and/or dark roast
- Filtered water
- Enema bucket kit
- Lubricant of choice
- Beaucoup paper towels
Optional Equipment:
Now let’s take a closer look at the recommended ingredients:
There’s a lot of debate on the kind of coffee to use. Louise uses SA Wilson’s, which you can buy here. It’s blond, organic, and high in both caffeine and palmitic acid. Note: don’t buy extra to drink… you won’t want to. Lea mixes it 50-50 with Aussie Health organic dark roast.
You have a choice of blond roast, dark roast or rump roast. (Sorry, it was too easy!) Different enema equipment websites insist that blond roast beans with maximum caffeine are best.
However a study by Molecular Nutrition & Food Research showed that darker roasts are best as it maximizes the stimulation of glutathione and antioxidant Vitamin E. Dr. Isaacs maintains that the coffee must only be organic to minimize toxins.
There’s also debate on whether pre-ground or whole bean is best; I have personally found the same results with either but if you want to err on the side of freshness, buy whole bean and grind fresh just before preparation. Also remember to keep your coffee in the fridge or freezer for maximum potency.
You don’t want to risk putting anything unsavory in your bottom so use clean water.
You could use a French press or a regular coffee machine and unbleached paper filters to drain the coffee. I don’t own a coffee maker so I use the pot-boiling method, and purchased a sturdy metal coffee strainer from Pure Life Enema. It is an extra fine sieve for collecting teeny coffee particles, and I find it nestles perfectly on top of my half-gallon mason jar. Speaking of which…
I use only glass jars to store the booty brew. I make several days’ worth at a time and store in quart or half-gallon jars in the refrigerator. This makes sense if you’re on a more frequent schedule. Otherwise it’s really not that much trouble to brew and use.
Although you can use a plastic bag or stainless steel bucket kit, I can’t recommend the glass enema bucket by PureLifeEnema enough. This kit provides the bucket, hanging harness, silicone hose, and a free pack of enema coffee. I don’t like the idea of plastic in general, nor using a bag that can’t be cleaned.
A stainless bucket is a healthier option than plastic; however, it does prevent you from seeing how much liquid you’ve instilled with your first dose. Once you get the hang of it, you won’t need to look to know. An easy way around this is to pour in just half the liquid and you won’t have to guess. Louise uses this stainless steel milk pot to hold the coffee. The glass bucket is easy to observe and to clean but it can shatter if you drop it so it’s understandable if you don’t want to take the risk.
Make sure to follow the assembly instructions carefully and wet the bucket port before sliding the enema hose on. This ensures you won’t rip the tube should you need to detach it, like if you, um, forgot to install the tube clamp first. Theoretically, of course.
The rubber tube from PureEnemaLife is softer and more comfortable than the standard enema tip. Essential if you have a touchy tushie. With regular usage, expect to replace the tube after a year to 18 months.
This attaches to the bucket port and the rubber colon tube, and comes standard with most kits. I use a 5 foot hose, which is the perfect length for me, but find the length that works best for you.
Many standard kits come with a snap clamp. I use a one-handed rolling clamp from Seeking Health. Unless you are an orangutan, the snap clamp can be tricky to open with one hand. I love the rolling clamp because it allows me to position the tube with one hand and easily control the flow with the other. Have a second one ready for when the clamp stops snapping.
To allow painless passage of the colon tube. What lubricant you use is completely up to you, but I suggest something hypoallergenic and free of chemicals, fragrances or flavors. Louise uses organic coconut or olive oil. My lube of choice is the Aloe Vera Gelé by Desert Harvest. Sorry folks, no Passionate Pineapple Slip & Slide here. Desert Harvest lubricant is thick, has no artificial ingredients or preservatives, uses 100% organic aloe, and comes in a convenient pump dispenser.
Let’s be clear: this process has a messy learning curve, so you’re going to need paper reinforcements.
I personally believe every home needs a Squatty Potty (or comparably sized step stool surrogate) for having proper bowel movements; I found mine to come in very handy as a headrest as I am lying on the floor. I placed a waterproof Chux pad and sheet over it as well as a small pillow.
You don’t want to use chemically-laden Dial or other sinister suds to clean your equipment. I use an coconut and essential oil-based wash by Lunette, designed for menstrual cups. Louise sterilizes everything with lots of boiling water.
Not necessary unless you share a bathroom. Otherwise, whoever invented the idea of aromatic Poo-Pourri spray could win the Nobel Peace Prize in my book. I use a recipe for homemade poo-poo essential oil blend by ISaveAtoZ.com that helps mitigate odors.
In the event of a fluid malfunction, you’ll want to clean up right. I use a silver ion-based disinfectant called PureGreen24, which is rated to kill MRSA and other nasties without killing your lungs or brain cells. Louise uses her regular bathroom cleaning supplies.
How to prepare enema coffee
Louise uses a simple 1000 ml French press coffee maker. Put 2 tablespoons of coffee into the glass pot, pour boiling water to the top, wait 10 minutes, insert and push down the plunger, and voila! If you’re in a hurry, add a couple filtered water ice cubes. Pour everything in an easy to pour container — try this stainless steel milk pot.
- Fill a saucepan with 1 quart of purified or distilled water.
- Turn heat to medium-high and bring the pot to a boil.
- Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee per quart.
- Boil the coffee for 3 minutes to evaporate the oils.
- Turn off the stove and remove from heat.
- Let sit covered for 10 minutes.
- Pour the coffee through the coffee filter into a 4-cup heat-proof glass measuring cup. The filter can quickly clog and overflow so be sure to place the cup in a bowl.
- Add enough water to make it a full 1000 ml.
- When at a comfortable body temperature, pour through the filter again into your enema bucket and you’re good to go.
- Remove from heat and replace any evaporated water to return to the original amount. This also cools the coffee faster.
- NOTE: DO NOT pour scalding hot coffee into a room-temperature mason jar. You will instantly learn an unpleasant physics lesson in thermal shock [5], where rapidly differing temperatures in glass cause critical stress fractures and bathe your kitchen in piping hot Moon Mud. In theory, of course. #totallyexplodedmymasonjar
Since I’m lucky if I find matching socks to wear in the morning, I batch prepare my coffee to save time. I make 4 procedures’ worth of concentrate using a quart of water and 8 tablespoons of coffee). Here’s the method:
- Fill a saucepan with 1 quart of purified or distilled water.
- Turn heat to medium-high and bring water to boil.
- Add 8 tablespoons of ground coffee (1/2 cup).
- Boil the coffee for 3 minutes to evaporate the oils.
- Turn off the stove and remove from heat.
- Let sit covered for 10 minutes.
- Pour it through the coffee filter into a 4-cup heatproof glass measuring cup. Add enough cool water to bring it back to 800 ml.
- When cooled, pour it through the filter into a quart-size glass mason jar and keep in the fridge for up to 1 week.
- When I’m ready to get my cleanse on, I pour 200 ml of Colon Cold Brew into my enema bucket and 800 ml of water, heated to body temperature. This eliminates a ton of waiting time, because when you gotta go…
Administering the coffee enema
Louise says breathe deeply and try not to be stressed. Whatever mess you make can be cleaned.
- Before doing ANYTHING ELSE, make sure the hose clamp is closed. Leaving that sucker open has resulted in more than one unanticipated flood.
- Fill your clean enema bucket with lukewarm coffee. Too cold, and you may have trouble holding your Caboose Coolatta. Too hot, and you’ll give a new, highly painful meaning to the term “Red Eye.”
- Incidentally, burns from scalding hot coffee during the procedure are the most popular argument against coffee enemas in general. Funny, I wouldn’t expect someone to insert a bottle of Prilosec in their tookus because of common sense; and yet if they did, I wouldn’t imagine AstraZeneca to be found at fault (this time).
- Prefill the enema hose with coffee by holding the bucket in your left hand below the colon tube in your right hand and releasing the clamp. This allows the coffee to flow through, then clamp the hose shut when some liquid pours out. You want as few air bubbles in the hose as possible. This is CRITICAL for ensuring you’re not instilling a whole lot of air along with your coffee, which can create extra abdominal pressure and a potential… expulsion.
- Hang the bucket at least 16 inches above where you’ll be laying; the bathroom doorknob provides the ideal height. You can also lay in the bathtub, but I haven’t found the shower head or tub spout the proper height. Using the harness, I tilt the bucket towards the port and hose so that gravity will pull most of the liquid out of the bucket.
- Lock the bathroom door. If you’re blessed with a family as curious as mine, you will very much regret not locking your door with a glass bucket and bottom full of joe on the other side. Your unwitting family can never unsee such a sight.
- Grab your roll of paper towel and prep the floor. I tear a sheet off to rest the colon tube on in between doses, one to wipe my hands, and a third under my backside just in case.
- Optional: spray homemade Poo-Pourri in your toilet for the pending purge.
- Extra credit: I loathe the “splashies” from the inevitable jet propulsion into the toilet. Before laying down, I prep a few toilet paper strips that I’ll later use to create a “blanket” in the toilet bowl before releasing. I learned this amazing trick from a Youtube video on “eliminating poop splash with toilet paper.” Caution: this video is both hilarious and horrifying, and unquestionably useful.
- Place a cozy blanket and a Chux pad (if desired) on the floor and over the Squatty Potty (if using).
- Have a book or Kindle ready. You could also turn on some music and light a candle. You might as well get comfortable. I’ve read 8 books in the last 4 months during my doody detoxes. In fact, during my first enema, I watched a video interview about coffee enemas by Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Exec, while using his Bulletproof Coffee! How meta is that?? #someta
- Attach the colon tube to the enema hose. Make sure it’s well attached; having it detach while dispensing your Be-Dunkin’ Brew is a rainshower experience you don’t want.
- If you’re able to have a bowel movement before the enema, do it… it makes it much easier to hold the coffee in.
- Lie down on the floor.
- Lube your backside and about 6 – 10 inches of the colon tube.
- Here’s where the fun begins. Gently and slowly insert the first 6-10 inches of the colon tube into your backside. It must get past two sphincters; you’ll feel a bit of resistance each time. It can feel a little… intimate. You may wish your colon tube had bought you dinner first. But it should in no way feel uncomfortable or painful, or else you may wish to consult a professional. If you have a resistant rear, it helps to take a deep breath and insert the tube on the exhale. To help guide you, you can wrap a rubber band a few inches past the desired length on the tube; this way, you can hold the rubber band and know you’re hitting your mark. Just make sure not to get fluids on the rubber band or it will harbor booty baddies. [Ed. Note: I find it easy to get past the second, uh, sphincter, once the joe is flowing]
- When the tube is in, snap or roll the clamp open to full flow. Depending on the temperature of the coffee, you’ll feel a cooling sensation spread through your abdomen. Continue to make sure the the colon tube is securely attached; I now hold the tube and hose juncture while instilling.
- Watch the liquid line fall as you instill the coffee. Close the clamp when you’ve reached the halfway point.
- VERY slowly remove the tube and place it on a paper towel. And I mean S-L-O-O-O-W. You definitely don’t want to Yerga-Chafe your delicate derriere.
- Here’s an extra step I’ve added that works wonders for helping me hold the liquid. I add a few extra ounces of water to the full enema, insert them, and then release right away to do a “pre-flush” of sorts. This step was a game-changer for me!
- If you do the pre-flush, lie back down on your left side for the first dose of coffee. Insert the tube again and unclamp the hose.
- Watch the liquid line fall as you instill the coffee. Close the clamp when you’ve reached the halfway point and remove the tube.
- Hold the liquid as best you can for 10 minutes. If this is too difficult, maintain it for a minimum of 3-4 minutes. I find I often can’t hold the first dose for this long, but can hold the second for the full 10.
- Get up and dispense your Crappuccino (too much?). Wipe gently with damp toilet paper or the witch hazel, if desired. I keep a spray bottle of water next to the commode for a squeaky clean keister.
- Return to the floor and repeat steps 11 – 16. Expel once again.
- You’re done; that was brisk, baby!
Coffee enema cleanup
- Wash hands THO-ROUGH-LY. You don’t want to touch anything until you’ve scrubbed your mitts.
- Pull the colon tube off the hose over the sink; anywhere else and you’ll get a refreshing Starbucks Shower.
- Clean the colon tube thoroughly. I cleanse it with Lunette wash, then rinse with hydrogen peroxide, then water. Every few weeks I boil the colon tube for 10 minutes for a deep clean.
- Put the colon tube to dry in safe place. Maybe not over your toilet, unless you want your colon tube to take refreshing dive into the porcelain lagoon, ahem.
- Wash and rinse the bucket with the cleanser and hot water. Then, fill the bucket with hot water.
- Hold bucket with one hand as high as you can, open the clamp and let the water and coffee remnants fully drain into the sink.
- Once empty, wipe the bucket dry with fresh paper towel. Store in a safe place where your toddler won’t use it to hold his crayons.
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. You can lose a lot of fluid during an enema, so I drink a mixture of 8 oz. water with 8 oz. coconut water to replace any lost electrolytes.
Coffee enema troubleshooting
So, throughout these instructions you may have gotten the sense that I’ve encountered a snafu or twenty with this procedure. I’ve given you the exact blueprint for successful enemas that I use daily.
But, you may be encountering entanglements of your own. Below I’ve addressed the other issues I and others have experienced. So, let’s dive into…
This is the number one (or two, as it were) obstacle that I (and some Fearless friends) have faced with the procedure. Here is where you can begin to experiment with the following variables.
If you think you’ll explode before making it to the toilet, take several paper towels and press them firmly against your rectum. Don’t run.
Try reducing the volume of liquid. I eased into the 1000 ml by using half of the liquid to start, increasing over time. Just remember: if you’re reducing the liquid volume, you must have your bucket at 16 inches or higher to ensure gravity will help the liquid flush your bowels. If you weren’t able to expel a bowel movement before starting, use less liquid for dose #1 and you might find you can handle a bit more for dose #2.
The coffee ratio may be too strong for you. Try diluting it down to 1 tablespoon coffee per quart of water.
Target 15 minutes but don’t despair if you can only hold for 3 to 4 minutes. You can also add black strap molasses to the brew while it’s warm, but I haven’t found this to help me personally. The key to efficacy is doing two doses in one session; so even if its two rounds of 4 minutes each, you will still experience benefits..
This was the primary variable that allowed me to hold the full amount. You want to channel Goldilocks with this stuff and find the sweet spot of tolerable warmth. It’s much harder to hold when super chilly.
Another option is timing. If you’re doing the enema after not having pooped all day, it may be hard to hold. Try doing it right after a bowel movement, doing the initial flush I recommend, or doing a clean water enema first to flush you out. A curious toddler can make this challenging, so I do it the second 30 minutes frees up.
Are you sure it’s not nerves? Make sure you’re breathing deeply and moving slowly. It’s possible but unlikely that you are sensitive to the caffeine. It’s not the same as drinking the coffee. Try doing it earlier in the day and eating right before or after. You can also try using organic decaf coffee to blend into the regular strength joe.
You may be inserting or removing the tube from your rear too quickly. Even though it is uber-soft, the opening can scratch delicate rectal tissue. If that happens, I suggest giving your bottom a break so that it has time to heal. I use a dab of coconut oil to soothe and assist with healing.
This is also extremely common, where placing odorous substances like coffee or garlic in nether regions (don’t ask) can trigger a flavor sensation. It’s perfectly normal and absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
Erm…can’t help you there. I’m not a physician and am unable to identify the sorts of weirdness that can exit one’s body. Please consult your medical professional.
Additional reading
If you’d like to learn more about the mysterious and marvelous coffee enema, here are a few posts I found helpful whilst getting started:
- Coffee Enema: Unmatched for Detoxification by the Healthy Home Economist
- Coffee Enemas: Health Benefits or Buzz? by Jaclyn of The Family That Heals Together
- Bulletproof Coffee Enemas by Ben Greenfield Fitness
- The Ultimate Detox: Coffee Enemas by My Gutsy
Final thoughts
At first, I found this process onerous, odious, and odorous. There is coffee in places in my home that I will likely never reach with a scrub brush. And, I seriously questioned whether I had the fartifortitude to forge ahead with my Money Maker Macchiatos.
But now that I have mastered the process, it is a time of day I look forward to. It is a rare 30 minutes that I have to quiet the chatter in my mind and actually read a book. Afterward, I feel energetic and renewed.
I was hesitant to write such an irreverent post on a subject about a procedure people use to save their lives, especially on a blog with very serious subject matter.
But laughter is a most powerful elixir.
Therefore, it is my wish that this post has served you well, and helped put the “yuck” in hyuck. By carefully following this blueprint, one day soon, the best part of waking up will be Folger’s in your…ok, I won’t.
What are your biggest challenges?
Were you able to make coffee enemas work? Have advice or questions? Let us know!
Lea is Head Chef of MavericKitchen, a tasty thinktank where she dishes up thought-provoking ideas about holistic health, positive parenting and slow food for fast families. She is a seasoned digital marketer and doting mother of the monolithic Judgey Bear, her darling deputy in smoking out sneaky toxins in the food we eat and products we use. She resides in the lush gardens of Central New Jersey where she feverishly hunts down elusive farmers markets and pastured egg purveyors.
Please note: I am not a medical professional and I do not play one on TV. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods, supplements or protocols have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
[1] Bedside procedures. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. 9th ed. Rahway, NJ: Merck & Co, Inc; 1956:1747-1748.
[2] Gonzalez, Nicholas J, and Linda L Isaacs. “The Gonzalez therapy and cancer: A collection of case reports.” Alternative therapies in health and medicine 13.1 (2007): 46.
[3] Isaacs, Linda L. “Helping the Body Detoxify.”
[4] Wilson, Lawrence. “Coffee Enemas.” (2011).
[5] “Thermal shock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” 2011. 14 Dec. 2015
I love this! Thank you so very much for the very detailed breakdown. I’ve been so intrigued by this for a few months now and the one thing holding me back is that I am incredibly sensitive to caffeine (it sends me into panic attacks) and I’m really nervous about that being an issue. However I feel like this could benefit me with the root of that exact issue (the panic attacks). I don’t know what to do! I’m even intimidated by half caf.
Hi, Belle. I’m also sensitive to caffeine (weirdly, just U.S. but not French coffee) — and amazingly, I can do my enemas at night (note: mornings are better) and sleep like a baby. I did “taste” the coffee the first few times but that went away. I’m not a doctor so this isn’t medical advice but I have heard others who started low/slow — maybe 1 tbs instead of 2 tbs and/or 1 dose instead of 2 — and work their way up over time. I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Louise
Thanks Belle, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It’s taken me many, many “moons” to work out all the kinks 😉
I can tell you I’m THE most caffeine-sensitive person on the planet, and coffee enemas don’t give me any jitters whatsoever. Caffeine is metabolized differently directly the gallbladder than through your digestive system from what I understand. You may wish to try a 1 cup instill of half-caf or even decaf to start, and slowly adjust the ratio to caffeinated.
The only way to find out is to try, under a physician’s guidance of course!
I too am very sensitive to coffee\caffeine. I find a coffee enema gives me energy w\o the gutters! If u are still leery just brew it and dilute w\some extra distilled water. It will be light brown watered down coffee. Slowly figure out what strength works best.
Although I believe that coffee enemas are a wonderful way to cleanse and detox – I, myself have had very bad reactions to caffeine and have suffered with acute panic attacks that were almost immobilizing. Thanks so much for
addressing these issues.
You are most welcome, Sandy! I’m so sorry to hear about your symptoms. It’s always best to ease in and you never know! I’ve found tremendous gut-healing progress with this treatment, and with that my caffeine sensitivity has actually diminished!
Sandy: In my 23 & me interpretation results, it showed l am a ‘fast metabolizer’ of caffeine, maybe that’s your issue. I cannot drink coffee late in the day either..
” I make 4 procedures’ worth (a half gallon of water and 8 tablespoons of coffee, in my case) and store 2 doses in a half gallon jar in the freezer.”
Love your post…followed it carefully. Please check above-shouldnt it be 4 tablespoons of coffee to a 1/2 gallon of water? (based on the 2 tablespoons to a quart)
Hi Leanne! So glad you found this helpful. For a normal procedure you are correct, to make 4 doses would be a gallon of water to 8 tablespoons of coffee. I had said “in my case”, meaning that I’m unable to hold the full pint each dose, I can only hold half. But this wasn’t clear, so I’ve revised the post accordingly. Hope that helps!
Loved your article – your humor has calmed my jitters and I think I’m finally ready to try a coffee enema! I first read about them in the book, “Cleans and Purify Thyself” several years ago but hadn’t gotten up the nerve. It’s most definitely time to do so.
I was also wondering if you needed to sterilize any equipment before first use, especially the mason jars – since I can food and the recipes always call for sterilizing the jars in boiling water first. Thanks!
Hi Stacy! I’m thrilled you enjoyed the article and are ready to take the poopy plunge 😉
I would say it’s always a good idea to sterilize your storage jars and equipment to remove any manufacturing residues.
But after that, there is no bacteria touching anything other than the colon tube, so I only use soap & water to clean the kit / jars. To be safe, you can boil the tube for 10 minutes every month. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable, but it isn’t mandated!
I’d love to know how it goes!
Thank you for your wonderful article. I too have found coffee enemas to be especially healing. May I ask how often you do them? Any concerns about repeated use damaging/upsetting the gut flora balance?
So glad you found this useful, Jennifer! Because I’m not a cancer sufferer I do a more conservative protocol. I do 3 coffee and 1 bentonite clay enemas per week, but more if I travel and had missed a few rounds. As I’m not a physician and can’t officially weigh in on the gut flora question, I found that my digestive symptoms much abated since starting. I am also careful to maintain the use of carefully selected bifidum and soil-based probiotics on a daily basis. I would check with your physician to be sure!
Hi Lea, your instructions make this sound as if it’s something I can do. Thank you ?
Can you tell me how you do a bentonite clay enema and what probiotics you use. I guess Prescriot Assist and Megaprobiotcs (? ) are the two most well known soil probiotics.
Drs at a cancer treatment center have tested gut flora of their patients and found no depletion of good gut flora. If you are worry about this, you could make your last enema 1 cup with probiotics. It certainly wouldnt hurt 🙂
Hi, Lea – Fantastic, funny, helpful article on a weird yet timeless, through-the-ages practice. Given our toxic millennial exposure & intake (+ earlier, cumulative lingerings) it’s also a necessary component of detox/balancing.
I’m so sharing your article with friends who will still talk to me after they read.
No s**t.
ps Found ya twice via Kelly Brogan and Women’s Hormone Summit links.
Haha!! So glad you enjoyed it Chrystyna! I found I was taking myself way too seriously with all this health crap so it was time to shake things up a bit.
I look forward to hearing from you again, be sure to follow me over at MavericKitchen.me for more holistic shenanigans!
Which side do you lie on while holding the coffee? I see opinions vary on this.
Thanks for the well written article.
Hi Nora! I’m so glad you found it useful. The consensus from my doctors is that left side is best due to a specific reflex of the liver. Hope that helps!
Hi! I read another article saying that you start on your left where your lower colon is,then gradually roll to the right side to get the fluid inching up into other parts of your colon…. but for me, i can’t get past 9 minutes of holding. It’s really challenging…
Hi Lea love your article thank you.
Charlotte Gerson suggests the right side is best because of the shape of the colon? I’m confused now?
Lea — Great article!
You may find this useful: http://www.amazon.com/LUXE-Bidet-Vi-110-Non-Electric-Mechanical/dp/B005IT4C6G
Had’em for 4 years. Took a week or two to get the hang of it, but we wouldn’t be without, now. Takes 10 min to install. NOTE: Even though it has O-rings, use Teflon tape on the threads, too.
Thanks so much, Johnathan! Do you use this for post-enema cleansing?
I had IgG food sensitivity testing done and showed moderate reaction to coffee. What are your thoughts on using coffee enemas in someone with a positive food sensitivity? Thank you!
This post was so beyond hilarious! Thank You for making me laugh about a topic that can definitely cause a fair amount of distress, especially when you are in the throes of bathroom woes! (read: flying tubes spray painting your bathroom!). You are such a prolific writer Lea and I admire you for speaking your truth and honoring such a wicked sense of humor! Glad you took action and embraced alternative healing modalities to restore your body to perfect (or at least much better) health. So grateful I stumbled upon your post! 🙂
Wow Colleen, what an incredibly generous comment!! I’m utterly humbled and honored. Restoring your body truly is about taking responsibility for your own health and doing things on a leap of faith when you otherwise might run away. And, being able to laugh at yourself is the real game-changer 🙂
I hope this serves you and I wish you all the best in your healing journey!
Thank you for the article, I was curious on the two doses? Is there a specific health benefit to holding half and then expelling and doing it again for another ten minutes? I have usually done all 4 cups and held for 15 min. I would also love more info on the bentonite clay enema.
Hi there,
Thank you for the greatest article.
I have been doing daily coffee enemas for about a year now. Initially i only benefitted from coffee enemas but recently i started having some issues. I cant seem to expel all the coffee solutions that i have used which makes me extremely toxic at times and also causes water retention. I feel some kind of blockage when i try to release the coffee. I used to hear a lot of gurgling noise during coffee enemas but not anymore. Have you experienced anything similar to this? Do you have any idea about my reactions? How long have you been doing coffee enemas? Do you at all think that i need to have a break from coffee enemas? Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi, Skyla. Deferring to your health care practitioner, of course… but, speaking very generally, it does seem logical that you might stop or at least do them less frequently to see what you see. Curious why you initiated daily coffee enemas and whether they resolved your symptoms.
Some random thoughts. Daily coffee enemas are sometimes part of a comprehensive protocol for serious health conditions including cancer. While they may seem like a fringe kind of health ritual, coffee enemas have been around for a long time and were included in the Merck Manual for over 50 years (last mentioned about 1972). But this doesn’t mean that they are entirely without risks or concerns. Like other detox practices, coffee enemas mobilize toxins for removal. It’s also possible that they could remove nutrient minerals and other beneficial substances. Since you aren’t feeling great, I’d seek the advice of an experienced practitioner.
I have breast cancer. Because I have a severe ulcer that surface on the skin because of the cancer exuding toxic wasted….. I am using enemas to minimize my body toxin so that ulcer can come around to heal and stop spreading.
Anyway, yesterday I did one enema to try it. Today I did 2 enemas thinking of doing one every 8 hours; but on the 2nd one the coffee didn’t come out. I’m a bit concern about retaining this coffee. Any suggestion to expell this coffee? And why didn’t go out?
Hi, Marie.
Please consult with your health practitioners before making any changes. If this were happening to me, my initial thought would be to try drinking a lot more water and see if this helps. So many of us a walking around in a state of total dehydration, which definitely helps with GI motility. And I would be trying all the usual constipation hacks.
This medical doctor says:
If you are dehydrated, the coffee won’t come out after an enema, and instead the liquid will be completely absorbed in the colon. This is alright, although having a bowel movement after the enema cleans the colon even more.
All best wishes on your healing journey.
Tx. Louise for the feedback. However I am well hydrated as drinking up to 4 liters of water daily is also part of my procedure to eliminate or lower the toxins levels from my system. What I thought could of been one problem was that 750 ml wasn’t enough fluid in my coffee enema. So I gave myself another enema 2 hours later, and I felt that only what I had recently put in came out. However, it did come out 4 hrs later. I don’t know if somehow there was some type of “poop plug” that prevented the whole enema to come out at the first place or some other reason that I haven’t figured out. I’m new at this and I still have to learn. I did increase my enema load to 1 liter. Initially, I was planning to work my way up 4 enemas daily as this ulcerative cancer is very life treatening to me as it’s spreading fast. And because of this incidence, I reduce my plan to 2 enemas daily.
Thank you for your blog and taking the time to be very thorough in it and supporting us. Warm blessings, Marie
Can anyone tell me if coffee enemas are ok when the gallbaldder has been removed due to excessive gallstones. A friend of mine had this done! Too bad she didn’t pay enough attention to my telling her to detox. w/coffee enemas, they may have prevented this waste of a gallbladder !
Hi, Lynette. I found this response online from Gar Hildebrand who runs the Gerson organization for your consideration. All best, Louise
Cholecystectomy does not contraindicate coffee enemas at all. To put this in context, removal of the gall bladder deprives the liver of its depot for storage of preused bile, ie., bile that has been partially saturated with toxins is dessicated and stored for additional uses. Bile goes through this process 9 – 10 times before it becomes too saturated with adsorbed solutes and is allowed to work its way out of the body through the intestinal tract. Post-cholecystectomy, the liver compensates for the lack of stored bile by producing more, which it is quite capable of doing. Many people find that grazing with 6 small meals per day will help them avoid digestive problems.
On challenge with coffee per rectum, the liver and small-gut wall intensify their detoxification enzyme (glutathione-S-transferase) activity six to seven fold. Bile production itself is increased by as much as 25% – 30%. Once the palmitates of the coffee have been cleared, bile production returns to normal, a process taking 30 – 60 minutes. Detoxification enzyme activity remains elevated for hours.
I loved your article! You are hilarious. I have been doing coffee enemas for a few months now,
After resisting the idea vehemently, I do them basically every day. Im addicted. And oh yea those epic coffee fails when you forget your hose isn’t clamped ???. Lol. Thanks for the article!! I am on Dr. Wilsons suggested supplements also. What a difference in my health!! Wow
Hello Susan,
May I ask which Dr. Wilson and what supplements?
SA Wilsons’ organic enema coffee. It’s what I use, too.
Is it a bad sign if all the water doesn’t go into me? Like only 3 quarters of the bag goes in and then it stopped?
Hey, Jeff. It’s not a bad sign at all. Our medical director Dr. Kelly Brogan follows Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s protocol, which includes dividing the liquid into 2 separate sequential enemas (and lying on your left side for 15 mins) rather than trying to get all the liquid into 1. It’s also a big help to empty bladder and bowels before doing the enema, which will make it easier to hold more liquid and hold it for a longer period of time.
Hi there, I have been doing coffee enemas for the last three years. I totally agree with the pitfalls of doing an enema but it is a learning process! My experience has not been easy for the start but I have continued and got great benefits from it.
My issue lately has been as if the intake of my enema stops shortly after starting it, with a lot of pressure to expel. My rectal muscles are not as good as they were (I am 67) and it can be very messy (only coffee comes out). I pee and empty bowels beforehand. It feels as if there is something blocking the coffee to go up the colon. I would do 1 enema in two goes but most of the time this is what happens. I tap gently below my belly button, shake gently my lower end, go from one side to the other, but mainly stay on my back with my lower end slightly elevated.
I wonder is anybody else has experienced these symptoms.
By the way, my husband who was totally against it has been doing coffee enemas for the last year!
Many thanks.
Hi, Michele. Yup. Very common. Some suggestions:
Try using 1/3 (or less) of the liquid instead of 1/2 and see how that goes. You’ll probably be able to accommodate more liquid in the 2nd round. And there’s nothing wrong with going for a 3rd round.
Lie in your shower or bathtub, if there’s room. You can contain the mess.
I recommend having a set of towels that you use just for this purpose. You can lie on a large towel as the tile/porcelain can be cold and uncomfortable. And small washcloths can be very useful. As you remove the enema tip, press a washcloth firmly over your rectal area to hold the liquid in as you scoot over to the toilet. After you’re done, you can wash all towels on the sanitary setting!
Also, try to lie on your left side (and breathe deeply) for as much of the process as possible. This maximizes the liver/gallbladder detoxification, which is the main point of the enemas.
And yes, once you start and get the hang of it, you’ll be hooked. Because you feel like a million bucks afterwards. It’s major detox for serious diagnoses but also helps symptoms such as pain, dry skin, acne, anxiety.
Thanks for writing!
Hi Michele,
It’s been a year since your comment, but I can offer a few tips anyway. I’ve been doing coffee enemas for more than 20 yrs.
One common cause of the problem you describe is having a little air in the colon, either from gas or from being in the tube.
If you have a small body frame, it may be that you can get along with even less coffee. 2 cups works for people between roughly 125 and 225 pounds. Below that range, you may need (and only be able to hold) less.
Due to the path the colon takes in the body, most people have the best / easiest experience laying on their left side, rather than on their back.
Be sure to insert the enema tip past the second internal sphincter. Some people need slightly longer tips to be able to reach in that far. If the tip isn’t in far enough, liquid in-flow can stop quickly (or never start).
In some people, bearing down changes the shape of the area just inside the body enough that it makes it difficult to get past that second sphincter (also sometimes an issue in people with hemorrhoids). If you empty your bowels before the enema, you could try waiting for 30 to 60 minutes after that before doing the coffee.
Good luck!
I’ve just tried my first coffee enema. How do you prevent having diarrhea afterwards? It feels as if the liquid is emptying my bowels.
Make sure you’re sitting on the toilet long enough (both times) for gravity to do its job. While coffee enemas are primarily meant for detoxification not fecal elimination, the coffee liquid will move stuff out of the way, whether it’s solid or liquid.
Thanks for the great article. I just started The Gerson Therapy a few days ago. I am up to 4 coffee enemas a day. I should hit the required mark of 5 a day soon. Because of your article I was able to solve of why I couldn’t hold an enema for only 2 or 3 minutes. Looking back, the best enema was the warmest. Also the enema bucket sometimes drains slowly and stops before emptying. I raised the bucket an extra 12 inches. Copying and pasting your article to a desktop file. Using Mam cafe coffee from Oregon. Recommended by Gerson Institute as it has the highest levels of cancer fighting Palmeric(?) acid(?)
I read and hear conflicting things about whether one should take “binders” (charcoal, etc) before a coffee enema; some people claim the toxins can’t be reabsorbed by the intestines and others say they can. I didn’t see any instructions re: binders in this article, so I’m wondering about your thoughts on this? Many thanks
Try taking a lot of probiotics – also doing a probiotic retention enema after the coffee one. The bloating can be caused going up too high with the coffee (too big of a fill) also loss of minerals. Make sure that you are getting all the air out of the hose as well before starting. For me, the darker and stronger the coffee, and only like 2 cups at a time, works best. When my coffee formula is not strong enough, it does not do a full liver flush.
This was hilarious…..”booty brew” Love it!
My goal is perfect health and eternal life (Really??) Yes! I take Chlorella Growth Factor (one heaping teaspoon) at 10PM, do brainwave entrainment that is supposed to repair DNA. Both are building and detoxing. I do coffee enemas and from
7AM to 1PM I am Flying and SUPER energetic mentally, verbally, and physically.
Then the detox crunch attacks. Zero energy, fog, etc. Urine has turned from perfectly clear to dark orange and I feel it. It sometimes is very inconvenient to get an enema. I am trying to make and carry coffee suppositories. I don’t see any other alternative to this lifestyle if I want to stay on Goal. P.S. I am SUPER Healthy and fit at age 75 without any need for doctor visits my whole life. I must be doing Something Right! Any suggestions at all?
Hi, Don. If you have access to a bathtub, shower, or bathroom floor, you can give yourself an enema. Detox is serious business! ;o) Louise
Hi! I love your article! I’ve done three coffee enemas and each time I have found it makes me incredibly tired. I just did one today (i was reading your article while doing one) and I could pass out now – I’m so tired. Do you find that to be the case for yourself? I told my doctor the other day that after doing two coffee enemas (one a day), i basically slept the whole rest of the week. She said that is normal and it means I am detoxing and to keep up with the enema’s. I also make sure to take extra minerals. I just wondered if you had experienced this as well. Thanks!
Hi, Melissa. Detoxing is serious business. Detoxing mobilizes toxins for elimination so it’s natural that the body will re-experience some of the toxicity as it moves out. I’ve found that I sometimes get tired, nauseous, and/or experience emotions that were attached to the excreta. The practitioners that I work with emphasize the importance of supporting the body before detoxing. Depending on your situation, this can mean rest, probiotics, EFAs, enzymes, minerals, lymphatic and other drainage, dietary adjustments, and more. If you are getting totally wiped out, you might want to inquire about other ways to support your body. Best wishes, Louise
I have managed to get preparation down to a very simple routine. I have a fluffy bath mat. I put a folded bath towel encased in plastic on top of that, and then a blue pad like the ones used in some colonic places. I get mine from Optimum Health Institute in San Diego. I bought half a dozen face towels at Costco, and I place one near my tush so that if there are leaks the towel holds them. When I am done I put the plastic cased towel and the blue pad back in their place in the linen closet, unless there has been leak on the blue pad, in which case it’s discarded. (They’re 75 cents each). I put the face towel in the wash. I also made a plastic pillow case for my pillow, so I can lie on the floor without getting a crick in my neck and without risking damage to my pillow.
Love it, Davina. There are all sorts of ways that we can keep things contained and comfortable. What I know is, once I got the hang of it and saw how I felt afterwards, I make the time. To your health! Louise
Hi. I have been doing coffee enemas for about two years, the first 1.5 years I increased my enemas until I got to daily, then slowly decreased to monthly and now when I get the intuitive hit to do one. My question: I no longer get any gurgling. None. I use the same protocols and med roast coffee but no noise. I usually hold it between 15-25 min. And do one session, 3-4 cups. Yes. Liver numbers have plummeted. But no gurgle. Can you address this? No gurgle = no liver action?
I’ve been doing coffee enemas for about 20 yrs. The gurgles come-and-go (I’ve heard the gurgles described as a gall bladder effect, although I don’t know if that’re truly the case). As far as I can tell, they have nothing to do with effectiveness. The main focus of effect is actually in the liver, not the gall bladder.
FWIW, 3 to 4 cups seems like a lot for a single session. Most people get along fine with 2 cups. Lower volume makes it easier to move around while you’re retaining, and reduces the chance of developing a dependency, as with traditional high enemas.
I’ve gained 8 pounds over the past 20 days and I think coffee enemas are the culprit as I’ve changed nothing else. I feel better than I have in years with the exception that I am so extremely bloated that it’s uncomfortable and my pants are tight. I cant find anything about enemas causing this much water retention anywhere online. Have you heard of this being an issue for anyone?
Becky I would look into a colonic to add to your coffee enema regimen.
The biggest thing to remember is to let a little coffee out of the tube before you insert. If you don’t you get a bit of air in the booty before the coffee which for me always results in the inability to hold it in
Dear Lea,
I have been doing Detoxing for 2 month and one month Coffee Enema. I missed the period of this month. Is there any connection between coffee emena and period-missing. I am a bit concerned my weight drop AND coffee enema will lead to the period of missing. I would love to hear your opionion on this. Look forward to hearing from you soon!
My tube no matter how I do it gets air so I get coffee then air then coffee the whole cleanse. What causes this.
There’s air in the tube and can be some mixed in the coffee, too. After getting the bucket set up, allow a stream of coffee to flow through the tube until you no longer see air pockets. You might want to make a bit of extra coffee to accommodate the wastage.
Hi, I have done about five coffee enemas and have had good results with my liver detox. I ususally feel a slight prickly feeling in my lower abdomen and the top of my thighs as the coffee is going in, especially when I administer the second half of the coffee. It’s not painful or uncomfortable. Do you know what could cause this?
We could guess, of course… but I have no idea what’s causing your prickles. I wonder if you’re just feeling the liquid moving through your body and the feeling in your thighs is a kind of “referred” sensation. There’s a lot going on. As you probably know, the caffeine in the coffee is absorbed by the portal vein (via the hemorrhoidal vein), which carries blood to the liver and gallbladder. Palmitic acid is an irritant, prompting gallbladder contraction and the opening of liver bile ducts, releasing accumulated toxins.
Read more here: https://www.drlindai.com/detox.html
Congrats on your first 150 coffee enemas. I’ve been doing them for more than 20 yrs now. I can offer a few tips:
First, add a little organic blackstrap (unsulfured) molasses to the coffee — 1 tbsp per quart. This greatly reduces the extent the coffee irritates the gut, and makes it much easier to retain.
Next, there’s no need to do anything beyond very coarse filtering of the coffee. Fine grinds or granules won’t hurt anything. I use a coarse metal strainer.
You don’t always have to do more than one. Very often, a single round is enough.
Ideal retention time can vary from 10 minutes up to as long as 20 minutes. Try different times to see what works best for you.
Concentration of the coffee can vary considerably as well. Starting relatively dilute, as described in the article, is fine. But you can work your way up to much stronger. I’m currently using 1 tbsp of ground coffee per cup of water.
Good luck!
I really hope you can give some advice. I’ve done a few coffee enemas and about a dozen water enemas. I’ve experienced the feeling of holding onto water afterward, and like I haven’t completely eliminated everything I needed to. Also, afterward I feel that I get stopped up (constipated) I usually have great bowel movements, but I was thinking maybe because of all the toxicity moving out and floods my bowels faster then what I can get rid of, and maybe my bile gets low after stimulating my liver to dump a lot from the coffee. In your experience, am I going through normal things?
Hi, Ezekiel.
A few things that might help:
1) Try a bit of abdominal massage, both while lying down and also while eliminating.
2) Pay attention to your breathing and see if you’re holding your breath. Try to relax into the enema.
3) Use less liquid.
4) Dilute the coffee.
Some questions:
1) How often are you doing them?
2) Beyond the feeling of retaining water, how do you feel afterwards? Any resolution or diminishment of symptoms?
3) How long does the constipation last? Maybe you’ve evacuated so fully post-enema that you end up skipping a BM.
4) What coffee are you using? Try a different brand?
There are so many things that could be happening. If your health and guidance can tolerate a bit of a trial and error process, I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out.
Good luck!
Hi, I suggest taking activated charcoal capsules or Bind about 20-30 minutes before doing a coffee enema. It helps remove the toxins your liver releases during a coffee enema. Otherwise you end up reabsorbing alot of toxins.
Hope someone can help me. I’ve just started doing coffee enemas for a month now, twice a week. For the last three rounds, I’ve been having seriously bad gastric pain – intense burning in the stomach and gas after the coffee enema and it lasts all day. Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong?
Hi, Michelle. Are you under the guidance of a health professional? Most would tell you to stop and see if the pain abates. Hope you find answers and resolution.
I’ve loved reading these comments. I’ve just started enemas and they are intriguing to me!
The only issue I have is crazy gas all day afterwards – like sooo loud, gurgling too.
Any suggestions on what might be happening and how I can stop this? Thanks!
Hi, Alice. Definitely pay attention to what you are seeing and feeling. A few things:
1. Remove any air bubbles in the tubing before inserting the tip. Allow some coffee to flow first, to clear the line.
2. Don’t hold your breath and don’t rush. Breathe deeply to send a signal of safety to your body. When we try something that’s new or a little uncomfortable, we often hold our breath and may not even realize we’re doing it. Find a place and time when you’re not worried that someone is going to interrupt you.
3. Experiment. Try inserting less liquid. Try using different coffee. Try reducing the potency of the coffee. You can play around a bit to see if it makes a difference.
4. Massage your abdomen as you breathe deeply. This can help move gas/air pockets. Rub in the direction that waste travels through your intestines.
Good luck! We’d love to hear how it goes.
Hello! Just did my first enema! I held half the solution for 15 minutes and eliminated the waste then held second half solution for 15 but it didn’t eliminate much at all. Should I be concerned?
Hi, Marie. Congrats! You’ll be a pro before you know it. There’s no reason to be concerned. Keep in mind that the main objective of the enema isn’t to clear out fecal matter. It’s for gallbladder/liver detox. As for waste elimination, some people eliminate naturally and don’t need the enema’s help. Some require two rounds to eliminate and others get the job done the first time around. Louise
Hi Louise, what do you suggest eating after an enema? Should I avoid certain foods?
Hi, Cecelia. Drink a lot of water and give your body a chance to adjust to the cleanse before eating a huge meal. Coffee/eneams can be a bit dehydrating. Be good to yourself. You’ve just done something so nice for your body so why not extend the clean, clear post-enema feels by eating something deliciously good for you? Louise x
I would love if there is a video about this!! I learn better with audio and voice. But thank you for sharing this with the world.
LOL I have not seen or heard about a video. You are not alone.. many people prefer vids. If I do hear of one, I will post it. So much of the process is intensely personal and depends on your physical space/layout and your comfort level with… things. The best way to learn is to just try and then ask specific questions based on your experience.
I have been doing coffee enemas for about a month. Throughout the day I feel bloated, like I didn’t quite get all the liquid out. I’ve always had constipation issues, but the only time I go number two is when I do the coffee enema. Any suggestions?
Hi Annette. Please read the other comments for my thoughts on liquid retention. The main purpose of coffee enemas is detoxification. Removal of constipated fecal matter is a relief, to be sure, however, the coffee enema is not meant to be your primary method of having a bowel movement. Gut healing takes time. Have you experimented with dietary changes including removing gluten and dairy (start by removing all if possible or cow’s milk at a minimum), increasing fiber, adding in non-dairy probiotic foods? Do you drink enough water? — most people say yes they fall short — it’s your weight in ounces! There are supplements that can help, too. Report back and let us know if any of these things help. You’re in good company. Louise
So I read this whilst I was lying on the bathroom floor trying my 2nd enema.
I have a question….the liquid keeps spurting out of my bum even though I inserted the tube 6 inches. I have to hold the tube firmly in place the whole time or it pops out.
I’m only a tiny person with an average bum (pretty sure!).
Holding the clamp with one hand and holding the tube in the bum whilst lying on the bathroom floor (on a hot day with 100% humidity) is not proving easy.
Any tips?
NSW Australia