What is Transhumanism? — Episode 105

  #105 — What is Transhumanism? ** August 23, 2017 Guest // Zoltan Istvan ** Host // Pratik Chougule, JD Look around and you’ll see humanity not just engaged with technology but integrated in ways that are unexpected, sophisticated, fascinating, and for many of us, fundamentally alarming. There’s a nostalgia for the simplicity of the pre-internet past… for […]...

August 16, 2017 8:12PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Free Speech Controversy at US Elite Universities — Episode 104

 #104 — Free Speech Controversy at US Elite Universities ** April 12, 2017 Guest // Rob Montz ** Host // Pratik Chougule, JD Free speech is the right to articulate one’s opinion without fear of retaliation or censorship or societal sanction. The First Amendment of the US Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law… abridging […]...

April 12, 2017 12:56AM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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Sperm Killers and Rising Male Infertility

The sperm density of American males may be declining at a rate of 1.5 percent per year. In my latest piece in The American Conservative I investigate what’s driving this alarming decline in sperm quality and why even amid an historic expansion of government’s role in health care, male infertility has merited little discussion in mainstream discourse. […]...

April 9, 2017 9:59PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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What Would Trump’s Vaccine Safety Commission Reveal?

A presidential vaccine safety commission led by Robert Kennedy, Jr. could raise questions about the incentives driving vaccine recommendations. I investigate some of these elements in my recent piece in The American Conservative. My interest in the issue did not stem from any personal experience with autism or vaccine injury. Nor, contrary to the speculation, did […]...

March 23, 2017 2:41PM      FACEBOOK   /   TWEET   /   EMAIL

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